In Texas, every driver is required to have at least $30,000 in liability insurance. However, with rising medical prices and statutorily required subrogation interests, often times $30,000 doesn't go a long way. Maybe the driver who hit you has assets from which you could theoretically collect, but I wouldn't count on it. Why rely on an unsafe driver to have sufficient insurance when you can protect yourself.
If you live in Texas, there are provisions in your automobile insurance policy that are automatically included unless you sign your right to them away in writing: Underinsured Motorist Coverage and Personal Injury Protection (or MedPay).
Underinsured Motorist Coverage pays for the same things liability insurance would pay for, like medical bills, wages, and pain and suffering. But in the case of Underinsured Motorist Coverage, your own insurer is contractually obligated to pay for them if the at-fault driver has nor or insufficient liability coverage. There are several benefits to this type of coverage, including obligations placed on your insurer by the Texas Insurance Code which are not applicable to the insurance company who insurers the at-fault driver.
Personal Injury Protection and MedPay are other provisions offered by your automobile insurer that will pay for your medical expenses, up to the limit of the coverage, regardless of fault. For a variety of reasons, Personal Injury Protection is the superior option to MedPay.
Depending on how much money you earn and how protected you want to be from severe injuries, you may consider increasing your coverage under the Underinsured Motorist and Personal Injury Protection provisions.