Real Trial Lawyer. Real Results.
Fighting for You in the Following Areas:
When people get hurt, legal representation is often the last thing on their minds. This leads to non-treatment of injuries, major medical expenses, and nowhere to turn to get out from under the medical debt. Get Grant involved early, and he will work with you to navigate the complex healthcare minefield to make sure you get the treatment and compensation you deserve.
Business disputes not only cause you major headaches, it also disrupts your source of income. Grant is committed to aggressively representing your legal interests while keeping in mind the financial impact of litigation on your company. When you have a business or contract dispute, call Grant.
Sometimes accidents cause very little damage. Sometimes they produce catastrophic, life-altering change. When someone's negligence has changed your life, Grant can help you hold the negligent parties accountable.
Unfortunately, car wrecks have become a ubiquitous part of life. All too often, those responsible for the wreck attempt to avoid accountability. When you hire Grant, you can rest assured that he will make sure drivers, companies, and insurers take responsibility for the devastation their actions caused.
When a truck weighing tens of thousands of pounds hits you at speeds of 70 mph or more, you can be sure the results will be devastating. Hit the shipping companies and insurers back by hiring Grant to hold them accountable.
Industrial work is one of the most demanding and dangerous ways to provide for your family. When factories and industrial companies fail to provide their employees with a safe working environment, people can get seriously injured or killed. When the worst happens, Grant will help you make these employers take their responsibilities seriously.
When you're suffering from an injury or medical condition, you're forced to trust your medical professional with, in some cases, your literal life. When that trust is broken, call Grant to get compensated.
Not every accident or injury is someone's fault. That's why we have insurance. But sometimes insurance companies take your premiums and deny your claims. When your insurance company has not honored its obligation to insure your property, you need help. Grant has unearthed and fought several unethical practices by several insurers. Call Grant to fight these Goliaths.
For most of us, real estate is the most expensive purchase we make in our lives. When someone damages your property, claims an interest in your property, or constructs your property or remodel poorly, Grant can help you protect your investment.